Sunday, October 11, 2009

101 Reasons (that women use) for Refusal in Bed ........

1.   Headache  .... the most common one.
2.   Its "that" time of the month.
3.   Its too cold.
4.   Now its too hot.
5.   My mom is not well and all that you can think of is this!
6.   Atleast sometimes connect on a spiritual level.
7.   Please brush !
8.   I haven't brushed ... and I am too sleepy to do it now.
9.   My toe nail broke... :o(
10.  I'm too sleepy.
11.  I've had a very long day.
12.  I burnt the food ... Its ok love .. Ok, then will you do the dishes before this?
13.  I am too tired but you can rape me if you want.
14.  Can't you wax all those hair?
15.  I think we should have a baby.
16.  Please hurry up and get over with it - I have a long day ahead.
17.  I think I heard our son cry.
18.  He has to sleep with us tonight - can't you see how scared he is?
19.  He has to sleep between us - he'll feel more secure.
20.  I haven't waxed ... It's ok - I like hair. You pevert - don't even come close to me!
21.  I'm having a tooth ache.
22.  My stomach is upset.
23.  First say that you love my mom.
24.  Tomorrow - promise!
25.  When we go on a holiday.
26.  (When you are on a holiday) All that you can think of is this - atleast lets enjoy this place.
27.  Who was that girl you were talking to? Go to her only! (when the whole world would've gone to sleep).
28.  Don't you dare touch me! But what did I do? Don't ask me - ask yourself!
29.  Your feet are stinking!! (And by the time you wash them and come back - she's in dreamland).
30.  Didn't you have a bath? Eeeuuggghhhh !
31.  This hair cut of yours really puts me off (now where do i find a barber at this hour).
32.  (no words - just a slap on your hand / face)!
33.  (no words - she justs yawns while you are at it)!
34.  (no words - she starts looking for her glasses or searches for something to eat or starts to send a sms)!
35.  My periods last three days before and three days after too ...
36.  Did you know that the female mantis rips off the male mantis's head before doing it?
37.  I'll bobbitise you if you touch me!
38.  Theres a lizard on the wall ... and I think its looking straight at me!
39.  Theres a mouse in the room !!
40.  My back aches.
41.  This bed creaks.
42.  I think your mom and dad in the next room can hear us!
43.  First say you love me ... I love you .. No, but how much do you love me? How long have you loved me? Will you love me forever? Will ... ? How ...? What..? Where..? When ..? zzzzzzzzzzzzzz......
44.  I'm loosing so much hair .....
45.  Can you rub some balm on my forehead .... and then you can never get it off your fingers!
46.  Grow up! (thank god for small mercies - she said UP and not Long!)
47.  Can't you shave off your moustache? (and look like Mohammad Yousuf?)
48.  I think your rubber just caused an allergic reaction! (so what if you've used the same brand for years!)
49.  I need to get up early.
50.  Why does your mom have to be so bitchy? (such conv can come anytime - either before starting or in the middle of it)
51.  I need to go to the loo ...
52.  Can I catch up on the news also?
53.  I'm sore!
54.  We just did it last month and you want it again?
55.  (She burps just as you're about to kiss!)
56.  First arrange your shoes and socks, clean your almirah, put those dirty undies in the washing machine, clean your comb, throw the garbage out ,....... (the list is endless).
57.  I am not opening my clothes - do it like this only!
58.  Use a magazine or a CD!
59.  Wow! Your breasts are getting bigger than mine... (maybe we can shop lingerie together).
60.  Is this normal? (and we are NOT refering to size - are we?)
61.  I think I have fever.
62.  I think I caught an infection (UTI ???) when we visited your relatives last week.
63.  I think you have an infection. Get yourself checked and get a medical report. Come to think of it - where were you yesterday?
64.  Today is Tuesday ...
65.  Today is my San#@&$| mata's upvaas or jagraata....
66.  The navratra's are on ... or worse - I've taken a celibacy vow for three months for your long life!
67.  Just as you are about to start - I've got a cramp!
68.  Today is Amavasya (New Moon) ..!
69.  Swamiji said that abstinence takes you to a higher spiritual level. (Don't they have an Osho Communique close by).
70.  As soon as you start, she closes her eyes and starts chanting  "Jai hanuman gyan gun sagar..." (or some thing else)!
71.  Please wear 2 rubbers! I am not taking chances.
72.  We'll do it only after you get a vasectomy done!
73.  I think our dog is scratching at the door!
74.  The bell rings and its your favourite neighbour asking for sugar!
75.  After all this, when she agrees - your mom walks in! Now you need a new house for privacy !
76.  Listen ... why did (your) mother say this? If you persist ... You never want to talk to me - all that you are interested in is this!
77.  I don't like this cologne you're wearing ... take it off! (What? Am I supposed to take a bath now?)
78.  Practise some more ... (even after all these years of doing just that?)
79.  I think there is someone outside the window .... No, no, so what if you've checked? I'm not in that frame of mind now!
80.  How can you watch all this?? (you're sick & need professional help!)
81.  I'm just not in a mood right now!  ....  (...after two minutes ..... What about now?)
82.  I've got mehndi (henna) and egg in my hair.
83.  I think I've got an infection in my tooth / throat / lungs / wherever!
84.  My breasts hurt ... Do you think I have cancer?  (and then she doesn't even allow you to check up ..!)
85.  (If you're on a holiday and its a religious place - actually she'll find a temple everywhere - religious or not) .... Here also? Have some shame!!
86.  Is that how you do it? (You mean to say you do it in some other way? When? With whom? ... Oh God!!)
87.  I think I'm going to be down!  (and the feeling stays for a week before she actually is).
88.  I think I just lost my ring / ear ring / nose ring / toe ring !
89.  Why is Mrs So-and-So so friendly with you? I don't know. So why did you have to be so pal-ly with her? Now go to her only!
90.  Your teeth are hurting!! (wish i had dentures - I'd take 'em off instantly!!)
91.  What did you have to drink?  Eeaauuggghhh!!   (and I thought beer smelled nice ...)
92.  I'm not "comfortable" .
93.  If you're too fast - Idiot!  If you wait - Do it on your own now!
94.  I'm too ticklish! Just don't touch me while doing it!
95.  How cute! Is it up?
96.  Can't we just hold hands?
97.  If we have sex, will you leave me alone?
98.  Ohhh Abhishek (Bachchan??)! ....... (and YOUR name is Arjun).
99.  Damn ... WHERE is it???
101.  Is it in ...?

COMING UP NEXT : 101 Ways to get around these !!!

Disclaimer : The post is meant to put a smile on your face .... It is not a representation of any individual or survey. Please read, smile and move on ... 


shalu said...

nice compilatio bro !!!!!!

Priyanka Mahanta Pandiyan said...

Hahaha! This one's too good. I'm sure Diya won't be too happy about this. ;-))

procool said...

Waiting for "101 Ways to get around these reasons"

9 MKD - The fourth story on ordeals, trials and tribulations (the first part of a two series - Ordeals and then in the second part : Faith)

 It had been almost ten days since Abhi had been out on the operational reconnaissance (op-recce). His Commanding Officer had spelt out the ...