Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God and Religion

Long long ago when lightening struck somewhere, the cave man was frightened and so worshiped the rain god so that there maybe rain and not thunder. Droughts further compounded the problem! Then there was fire to burn and cook - water to drink and sweep away villages during floods and a whole lot of elements which arose from need and fear to become supernatural and in some civilisations - superhuman! Thus arose God - in the form many perceive even today - something which was to be appeased and feared ...... and not used to show the correct path when in need.
Over the ages many a great saint came and tried to show the correct path , they succeeded while they were there but after they left with full faith in their followers, greed and lust for power took over again and everything was back to square one!
So started the trend of leaving manuscripts - something that could be left in black and white. But that too was interpretted to ones advantage and convenience.....

So what is the correct path ... who is God ... what is right and what is wrong? How do i correct myself?
Well, here goes ......
The correct path is the path of truth (not righteousness or religion... we haven't discussed it as yet)...... Truth - which you believe in. Truth - which doesn't hurt anyone. Truth - which does not make you feel ashamed of anything or make you justify your actions to yourself! Lets limit the correct path to this as of now....

Who is God? God is you and god is me! God is the good in you and the good in me. God is the quality in you that inspires me and gives me strength ... to either follow what you are doing or avoid it! So whatever you do, there is God in you! We just have to see , feel and embrace it! If God were in a stone then it wouldn't stand mute to happenings .... the story behind the stone is where God lies ... draw inspiration from it and God will be there helping you help yourself! God is not in the book, for the printing press and the beed which holds it would be the luckiest of all... God is in what is written in the book.
So don't waste time or effort bathing the stone with milk or covering the book with satin or silk! But when you bow before it , bow before the values that it teaches and imbibe them. Ask not God to help you out but to make you strong enough to help yourself! Draw inspiration from God. Take god everywhere... take him to your office (if a statue there helps you to remember NOT him but his values, place it there .. choose whoever you like the best ... we have hundreds to choose from!). Take him everywhere (and i mean everywhere) for what is hidden from him! What do you have to be ashamed of or hide? What is there to despise or love - for everything is him or his creation! Love everything and you have loved him!

Lastly, have faith in him, in his teachings and his powers (which he wants you to use) and you will find miracles happening! If you want something, have faith (and i mean complete and blind faith) and it will be yours. Have faith in God and the values that he inspires in you, so when you have faith in him, you actually have faith in yourself and work towards it with full honesty and truthfullness - it will happen! As my wife says, if you will something to happen bad enough - the whole universe conspires to make it happen!

So we have three things with us - Truth , Love and Faith! Three simple things - and God is yours and you are his!
So, some people tell me that we are human and there are naturally going to be desires, wants and greed! I say what is wrong with that! Fulfill all your desires - money, sex, power - whatever you dream of! But use the honest (or truthful) means for it! Its not that if you use the wrong means you will not attain God - you still will - someday! Its just that you will be at peace much sooner if you choose the other path ..... and the pleasure that peace gives you is much greater than power, money or sex!
So, there are two paths (as always) - one which is tough and one which is easy! The tougher one asks you to discipline yourself and preaches contentment and satisfaction within ones means - you reach the goal faster and happier in this! The easier one asks you to run after all that you desire - have your fill of them all (as we have avasthas in the vedas or what Osho in recent times tried) and then come back to where the first path led. If you are at the crossing or the starting point of the two paths - you may find the second one better - for atleast you sampled and had a fill of all that is there to enjoy in this world. But as much as you will enjoy, you will find tougher to get back to that point where God is - for you have to reach that point! The first path also wants you to enjoy everything but in a disciplined and controlled manner - the choice is yours! For whatever you do - it will be nullified or paid for - in terms of good or bad in this life itself!

So, its as simple as can be .. follow this and you have attained peace ... contentment ... and God!

God Bless!
(for all my readers from the fairer sex .... "him" has just been used for easier writing purposes!) God is above it all ... so........... please bear with me :o)

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9 MKD - The fourth story on ordeals, trials and tribulations (the first part of a two series - Ordeals and then in the second part : Faith)

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