Tuesday, November 11, 2008


In 1993, I cleared my 10th and wanted to take up commerce in 11th. The school did not have commerce stream in it. I took up science.
Shifted to Delhi in 1994 and took special permission from CBSE for Bio with ECONOMICS!!! The school couldn't accomodate my periods!
Cleared the admission to College of Business Studies, New Delhi for BBA. Chose to join army instead.
Joined a correspondence course for MBA in 2008. Well, lets see if this attempt succeeds or fate.....

Hated army..... Used to dissuade everyone from joining it. Would laugh at (then cadet) Anuj Nayyar whenever he would come on leave that he'd joined a useless organisation. Little did I know that one fateful day in Dec I would be buying stuff at the Gole Market in NDA alongwith him! (He later died in the Kargil Conflict). So, joined NDA as a Naval Cadet with the 95th course.
The second attempt for NDA exam, applied for Army with the 96th course.
Got relegated to the 96th course in 1996. Was adamant that would still join the Navy though a lot of wellwishers and friends asked me to change over to Army then. Refused!
1999, three months before passing out, applied for change of service to Army. Faught with the highest level in NDA for the same. Was commissioned in the olive in 2000! Fate........?

Love struck in college but the girl was being pressurised to get married and I was too chicken to commit....... Fell in love the second time with this terrific girl while in NDA. She refused ..... Got over it (and some attempts from her side to reconcile) and fell in love again.... this time with this wonderful, beautiful girl who was an engineering student. Families played spoilsport and I backed out. (wonder if she's forgiven me....)
Met my life on the rebound! All attempts to persuade family failed and asked her to come to Leh. It was month end and we were broke....... The airlines chipped in and offered a free ticket in lieu of miles earned. Was deputed to go to Leh (from Kargil) for two days. But she missed her flight .... some tears and a sob story about a husband in hospital from a shelling wound later, she was running down the tarmac at Delhi airport to catch the flight.
Went to every possible place of worship to get married .... from a gurudwara to a buddhist monastry with many Shiva and Kali temples thrown in! Everyone refused.....
Finally a Sikh Sabha (in Leh of all the places) agreed to marry us! We got married (28 Sep 2001) and she caught the next flight back. The marriage was only a message to everyone of our committment and love for each other. We didn't live together for almost two years till the marriage was formally solemnised in Mar 2003 (one and a half years after our supposed marriage in Leh) and are happily married now! Fate..........................?

(more to come......)


Anonymous said...

I loved this post. Good that you have started writing.... we can now know... who the real U are.... :)

Puja Vijay said...

You always wrote good ... You still do .... liked most of it except a few. !!Keep writing..

Priyanka Mahanta Pandiyan said...


Vivek rana said...

Great to read your journey . Can feel the nostalgic times.

9 MKD - The fourth story on ordeals, trials and tribulations (the first part of a two series - Ordeals and then in the second part : Faith)

 It had been almost ten days since Abhi had been out on the operational reconnaissance (op-recce). His Commanding Officer had spelt out the ...